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    Audax et promptus Bold and ready Douglas of Castle-Douglas;
      Do or die Douglases of Cavers
    Domat omnia virtus Virtue conquers all things Douglas Scotti
    Durate   Douglas of Earnslaw
    Extinctus orior   Douglases of Angus
    Fortis et aequus   Douglas of Whiterigs
    Fortis et fidelis Brave and faithful Douglas of Garrallan
    Fortune le veut Fortune so wills it  
    God for us God for us Douglas of Tilquhillie
    Honor et Amor Love and honour Douglas of Bonjedward
    In cruce glorior I glory in the cross  
    Jamais arrière Never behind Douglases of Angus; Douglases of Brigton and Cruckstown;  Douglases of Morton;
    Douglas de Monreal, France
    Lock sicker Be sure* Douglases of Morton;
    Meliora sperando By hoping better things / Better fortunes in expectancy Douglas of Cliftonhall
    Nunquam retrorsum   Douglas-Scotti
    Per varios casus By various fortunes Lord Glenbervie
    Petiti ardua virtus Virtue seeks difficulties Douglas of Bridgeford
    Pro patria For my country  
    Quae serata secura Things locked up are safe Douglas of Mains;
    Douglas of Barloch
    Que serata securi   Douglas of Kilhead
    Quid verisimili verius   Douglas-Scotti
    Sans tache  
    Viscount Belhaven
    Sapientia et veritas Wisdom and truth
    Douglas of Baads
    Spero meliora I hope for better things Douglases of Morton
    Sursum Upwards Probably Douglas of Garvald
    Tandem fit surculus arbor A shoot (or bush) at length becomes a tree Douglas of Tilquhillie
    Tendre et Fidèle Tender and True Douglas in France
      Tendir and trewe Douglas of Grangemuir
    Toujours en avant Always in front Douglas of Dundarrach
    Viresco I become green (or I flourish?) Monteath Douglas***
      What tyde Archibald 'the grim', Earl of Douglas

    Forward Brave Heart as thou would ever wont**

      Forward Douglases of Drumlanrig, Queensberry and Kelhead; Lord Mordington;
    Dum vivimus vivamus While we live let us live See below




    These details are contributed.

    * My translation is 'Keep secure', and my personal motto is 'A lock sicker', meaning 'I keep secure'

    ** As used by the Douglas-Pulleynes

    ***There are three mottoes on the Monteath Douglas mausoleum: Jamais Arriere, Quae serata secura and Viresco.



    A Douglas seal with the winged heart crest has the motto 'Dum vivimus vivamus' (While we live let us live). 'Dum vivimus vivamus' is used by the Doddridge family.  Is there a Douglas connection?




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    Last modified: Friday, 17 May 2024