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Richard Philip Douglas, CB





Richard DouglasSir Richard Philip Douglas, CB (born 20 November 1956 in York, North Yorkshire), is a senior civil servant who currently holds the positions of Director General of Finance and Investment and Chief Operating Officer for the Department of Health in the United Kingdom, responsible for a 2008-09 budget of almost £100bn.

Richard attended Archbishop Holgate's School in York, and after completing his A-levels, he studied for a BA in English Literature at the University of Hull. After graduating, he married in 1978 and embarked upon his civil service career the same year.

Richard started his career in public sector finance with the National Audit Office (NAO) where he qualified as an accountant (CIPFA) in 1983. In his time with the NAO he worked in most areas of central government - health, employment, home affairs, defence and agriculture.

He is currently in his third spell with the Department following a secondment from the NAO between 1990 and 1992 and three years as Deputy Director of Finance from 1996. Immediately prior to his return he was Finance Director for National Savings.

He took up his current role in 2001, and is the youngest person to ever hold the position.

Richard is married with three children and is a grandfather of two. His interests include travelling, reading and football (he is an avid follower of Leeds United).

In 2003 he was awarded membership of The Gild of Freemen of the City of York, the city in which he was born.

In 2006 he was awarded membership of the Order of the Bath (CB) for services to health at an investiture at Buckingham Palace.

In 2024, he was honoured with a Knighthood (Knight Bachelor) in the King's Birthday Honours.



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Last modified: Friday, 17 May 2024