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Fred G. Douglas 






Fred G. Douglass was born in Pittstown, Rensselaer county, February 14, 1853, the oldest son of Samuel and Waity (Gifford) Douglass.

He moved with his parents to Gorham on the east shore of the lake, and in 1858 they bought a farm on the west shore of the lake in this town, where the boyhood of our subject was spent. In 1867 they moved to the farm in the north part of the town where Mr. Douglass still (1893) resides.

Fred was educated at Canandaigua Academy and when he left school at twenty took up teaching, which he followed two years in Farmington, one winter in the fifteenth district, and three winters in district No. 8, Canandaigua.

He married in March, 1879, and conducted his father's farm until April, 1889, when he bought the old Kelsey farm of 100 acres in Canandaigua. Mr. Douglass does a general farming, making hay the principal product.

He is also agent for the American Road Machine Company, and the Lester Phosphate Company. He has always taken an active interest in politics and is a Democrat. He was selected in 1888 commissioner of highways, serving three years.

His wife, Sarah R., was the daughter of George C. Mather, of Canandaigua. They have six children: Emma M., born February 3, 1880; Samuel M., September 11, 1881; Ray, September 9, 1883; Waity R., September 18, 1884; Fred M., March 21, 1886; Ira P. Cribb Douglass, December 26, 1890.

From the HISTORY OF ONTARIO COUNTY; compiled by Lewis Cass Aldrich; edited by George S. Conover; 1893;




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Last modified: Friday, 17 May 2024