Charles Joseph de Douglas

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Charles Joseph de Douglas, K.S.L., Capt. Royal Scots, Premier Conseiller du Corps de la Noblesse des Provinces de Bugey et Valromey [said to have been a descendant in the 12th degree (?century) from Archibald, Earl of Douglas, and presumably son and h. of the Count of Douglas, Col. of the Languedoc Regt., K.S.L., who d. at Douai 29 Mar. 1748, aged 44], was LORD COUNT OF MOUNT REAL (SEIGNEUR COMTE DE MONT-REAL) in Bugey.

Son of Charles, Comte de Douglas, 1689-1750 and  Marie de Lilia, 1692-1731

He had three brothers, Capt. Joseph Marie de Douglas, Royal Scots, K.S.L. ; Francis Prosper de Douglas, K.S.L., Capt. Languedoc Regt., who m. 1737 Frances Charlotte de la Corme, granddaughter of the Governor of Mount-Real in Canada, and had issue Louis Archibald and Charles Luke; and the Rev. Peter Valentine de Douglas, Deputy to the General Assembly of the French Clergy 1762, and afterwards Archdeacon and Vicar-General of Auch. 

He is said to have died without an heir.

Charles Joseph and Joseph-Marie Chevalier said Douglas belong to an ancient family of Scottish descent, came from Picardy and installed in the Bugey since the seventeenth century. Son of Charles Douglas, trustee of the nobility of Bugey and Marie Lilia, they were born in Montreal near Nantua, as is their brother François-Prosper Douglas. The three brothers served in the regiment of Languedoc. Joseph-Marie enters in 1739 as a cadet before moving to the bodyguards of Villeroy. The elder Charles Joseph enters as a cadet in 1740, became a second lieutenant in 1742 and lieutenant in 1744. François-Prosper is a second lieutenant in 1743, lieutenant in 1744 and in 1746 became captain of a company in the 2nd battalion. Charles Joseph and Marie Joseph pursue their career in the Royal Scots, one as second captain in 1744 and the other as a lieutenant. Both were captured in 1746 after the Battle of Culloden. Charles-Joseph becomes captain of a company in 1748 when his brother became first mate the previous year. In 1751 Charles Joseph abandons his company to his brother who becomes captain, and was appointed Governor of Saint-Claude in 1751

 "The Mississippi Bubble," the great French colonization scheme, financed
and exploited in Paris (1717-1720), by John Law of Lauriston, an Edinburgh
jeweller, with its tragical collapse, senl many Scots into French Canada, exiles
of the Jacobite rebellion of 1715. These Scots settled chiefly in the St. Law-
rence valley, intermarried with the French settlers and left a lasting impress
upon the language and people of French Canada. We find a Charles Joseph
Douglas, ('mute et Seigneur de Montreal, a prisoner after Culloden; and
Chevalier Johnstone, also a refugee after Culloden, mentions a French post
at Sillery in command of another Douglas. .Johnstone was the son of an
Edinburgh merchant, a captain in the army of Prince Charles Edward Stew-
art, who escaped to Holland, entered the service of France, and sailed from
Roche fort in 174* with other Scottish exiles as [?] troops for Cape Breton
Island. His diaries of the sieges of Louisbourg and Quebec are most interest-
ing and valuable. How thoroughly these early Scots were absorbed, and yet
how native traditions persisted is cited by John .Murray Gibbon, who remarks
that French Canadian villages, where little or no English is spoken, on gala
occasions have been known to turn ou1 in kilts led by bagpipes; he also refers
to the astonishment of the early Highland soldiers and settlers at being ad-
dressed with Gaelic words by the Canadian French.


•  Not listed as a brother is Alexandre-Pierre de Mackensie-Douglas or Mackenzie-Douglas, baron de Kildin, the French spy/diplomat. But it is possible he was.

1.  The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Auch-Condom-Lectoure-Lombez, more commonly known as the Archdiocese of Auch, is an archdiocese of the Latin Rite of the Catholic Church in France. The archdiocese now comprises the department of Gers in south-west France.

See also:
•  The Douglas family in France

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Last modified: Friday, 17 May 2024