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Bainbridge Douglas 






Bainbridge Douglass, was born in Gorham January 4, 1841, a son of Henry, son of Caleb, a native of Connecticut.

Bainbridge Douglass was educated in Canandaigua Academy, and followed teaching for some time, and then attended Eastman's Business College, graduating in 1861. October of the same year he enlisted in Company G, Eighth N. Y. Cavalry, and was in the following engagements: The retreat of Banks from Winchester to Harper's Ferry; battle of Harper's Ferry; and of Antietam. He was injured by being thrown from a horse at Barber's Cross Roads, when he was conveyed to the regimental hospital and afterwards to the hospital at Washington. Here he remained a few days and was taken to Philadelphia where he remained two months, and received a furlough for thirty days. On his return to join the regiment he was taken sick at Elmira, and was discharged February 19, 1863.

In 1864 he married Caroline Stone, a native of Phelps, born June, 1841, and a daughter of Harvey, son of Harvey H. Stone, a native of Connecticut, who came to Gorham in 1809.

Mr. Douglass and wife have had two daughters: Alice A., wife of Fortis Gates of Gorham; and Lilian L. who married Levi Lincoln, and had one daughter, Gertrude N., who died aged twenty-two months. Mr. Lincoln died September 3, 1891.

Caleb Douglass
When a young man Caleb went to Whitesborough, and married Sarah Roberts, by whom he had six sons and three daughters. He was one of the founders of the First Baptist church at Whitesborough, and was its first minister. In 1824 he came to Gorham where he died in 1836.

Henry Douglas
Henry was born in Whitesborough in 1808, and came to Gorham with his parents. He was thrice married, first to Amanda Blodgett by whom he had two children; second to Angeline Bainbridge of Romulus in 1810, by whom he had two sons and three daughters. Mrs. Douglass died March 15, 1861, and he married Mrs. Martha Newman. In 1857 he moved to Penn Yan where he resided six years, then went to Southern Kansas. He was a deacon in the Baptist church at Gorham for forty years.

Harvey Stone
Harvey Stone was born in Gorham in 1811 on the farm he now owns. June 20, 1838, he married Caroline Ottley, born in Phelps October 6, 1818. Her father was William Ottley who emigrated from England to Phelps in 1806, and married Lydia Peck by whom he have five daughters and three sons. Mr. Harvey Stone and wife have had six daughters.

Harvey H. Stone married Dolly Lake by whom he had three sons and two daughters. He died in 1856, and his wife in 1851.


From the HISTORY OF ONTARIO COUNTY; compiled by Lewis Cass Aldrich; edited by George S. Conover; 1893;



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Last modified: Friday, 17 May 2024