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Albert Bruce Douglas, Canadian MP





Albert Bruce DouglasAlbert Bruce Douglas (2nd September 1912- 6th March 1971) was the first of the five sons of Will and Clara Douglas. He was the first person born in Briercrest, Saskatchewan, Canada. He was a wheat farmer. During the last three years of his life he was the federal Member of Parliament for Assiniboia, Saskatchewan with the Trudeau Liberal government.

He and his younger brother Don, who turned 90 in 2004 , took over their grandfather's homestead known as "Shaw's Ranch". The family celebrated the 100th anniversary of this homestead in 1999. Ab was a pioneer in the treatment of seed wheat. His exposure to mercury may have caused the blood disorder that lead to his mysterious premature death.

Ab was always active in local education and government. While farming Ab served on the Weyburn School Unit Board for 11 years starting in 1945. He was on the Saskatchewan School Trustees Association from 1951 to 1967. He served as President of the Canadian School Trustees Association for 2 years.

Ab was appointed to the Municipal Advisory Commission to evaluate conversion of Saskatchewan to the County system. He also served on the Saskatchewan Education Council and the Weyburn Regional Education Committee.

Ab ran successfully in the 1968 Federal Election as the Liberal candidate in the Assiniboia riding. He spent most of his time during the last three years of his life in Ottawa. He worked hard as a back bencher in the Trudeau government representing his constituents. He chaired the Saskatchewan Liberal Caucus in the House of Commons. He also served on Standing Committees on Agriculture and Transportation.

Ab was a Mason and a Shriner and also served as an Elder in Weyburn's Knox Presbyterian Church. He was also involved with local 4H Clubs.

In October 1940 Ab married 'the girl next door', Christina, daughter of Will MacDonald, who was raised on a farm 1/2 mile south. They met on the corner when Albert was fencing and Chrissie was on her way home from Actonvale School.

Ab and Chrissie raised four sons.

In 1968 they built a house in Weyburn and turned the farm over to oldest son Ross.  The other sons are Bruce, Owen and Eric.

On August 1, 1984 the new dam that was constructed across the Souris River southeast of Weyburn, Saskatchewan was dedicated in his name. The Albert Douglas Dam was built to ensure a dependable water reservoir for the City of Weyburn and to enlarge Nickle Lake for recreational purposes, replacing the old Seven Mile Dam.






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Last modified: Friday, 17 May 2024