The Douglas Heritage Museum
St Sophia's Chapel, in the Lanarkshire village of Douglas, is now home to the Douglas Heritage Museum. Originally the Dower House of the old Castle of Douglas, the building has had many uses in its lifetime, before being converted to the present museum in 1993. In 1706, the building was reconstructured to provide a Parish School. The inscription above the door tells the story (see below). A century later, it was used as a poor House where a night's lodging was given to vagrants. Later it reverted to being a dwelling-house and remained as such til 1961 when it was dedicated as an Episcopal Church to replace the chapel in Douglas castle. The exhibitions are changed annually to show the various aspects of village life, Douglas families and the Cameronian Regiment. The museum is open Saturdays and Sundays from 2.00 - 5.00 pm or by special arrangement. St Sophia’s, Bell’s Wynd, Douglas Tel: 01555 851243 Click to enlarge the images
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