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Index of first names

Edinburgh  1540-160

Douglas, Agnes, sometime spouse to Richard Spens, of ChyrnesydMains,
in the Merse 14 Mar. 1593-4
Douglas, Agnes, sometime spouse to Archibald Douglas, in Corferding, par. of Tynron, sher. of Dumfries 31 July 1599
Douglas, Alexander, burgess of Elgin 5 June 1588 and 3 May 1594 See also Foular, Gelis.
Douglas, Alexander, in Dalkeith, sher. of Edinburgh 25 Dec. 1600
Douglas, Alison, sometime spouse to Cuthbert Kirkhauch, younger, of Chapell, goodman of Glennesland 4 July 1581
Douglas, Alison, sometime spouse to David Lumsdane, younger, of Blanerne 4 Apr. 1586
Douglas, Andro, of Unthank, sher. of Murray 24 May 1 595
Douglas, Archibald, of Glenbervie, in the Mearns 18 Mar. 1582-3
Douglas, Archibald, sometime constable of the Castle of Edinburgh 15 Aug. 1590 (See note 2)
Douglas, Archibald, of Stanepeth, sher. of Edinburgh 19 Feb. 1596-7 Archibald, mealmaker in Leith. See Sandilands, Elizabeth.
Douglas, Bessie, relict of Andro Lindesay, jailor in the Tolbooth and burgess of Edinburgh 12 Dec. 1586
Douglas, Bessie, spouse to Alexander Preston, in Musselburgh 30 July 1 595
Douglas, Bessie, relict of John Hunter, in Auchinbrak, par. of Tynroune, sher. of Dumfries 8 Dec. 1598
Douglas, Christian, relict of Alexander Ramsay, in Bengour 21 July 1569
Douglas, Christiane, sometime spouse to Mr. William Robertoun, master of the Grammer-school of Edinburgh 13 Feb. 1582-3
Douglas, Christiane, sometime spouse to Patrick Home, younger, of Aytoun, sher. of Berwick 29 July 1595 David, of Baitfuird, sher. of Dumfries 31 Oct. 1581 Douglas, David, in Almernes, par. of Buttill, stew, of Kirkcudbright 8 Mar. 1582-3
Douglas, David, in the Mains of Rossy 14 June 1583
Douglas, David, in Ugstoun, in Lauderdale, sher. of Berwick 6 Mar. 1600
Douglas, Dame Eufame, sometime spouse to Patrick Lord Lindesay, of Byres 13 Nov. 1591
Douglas, Francis, of Langnudrie. See Lauder, Agnes.
Douglas, George, in Almernes, in Buttill par., stew, of Kirkcudbright 18 Jan. 1590-1
Douglas, George, in Newtoun of Glamys. See Hog, Margaret.
Douglas, Sir George, of Helenehill, knight. See Lindesay, Dame Jonet.
Douglas, George, in Prestoun. See Buckles, Katherine.
Douglas, Harry, son lawful of umquhile William Earl of Angus 19 May 1596
Douglas, Hector, in Spittelhauch, par. of Lyntoune, sher. of Peebles 12 July 1586
Douglas, Henry, of Drumgerland n Oct. 1572 Henry, in Nudrie 3 Mar- IS 80' 1
Douglas, Henry, of Drumgarland. See Arnot, Elizabeth.
Douglas, Helen, sometime spouse to Thomas Espie, in Dalpedder, par. of Kirkbryd, sher. of Dumfries 18 Dec. 1583
Douglas, Helen, spouse to Roger Greirsoun of Lag 5 Feb. 1595-6
Douglas, Hew, in Strabrok 27 Dec. 1586 Hew, in Langnudrie. See Wilson, Marion.
Douglas, Isobel, sometime spouse to James Melville, of Dysart 22 Mar. 1581-2
Douglas, James, of Stanypeth 28 Apr. 1578 James, in Lochurde in Tweeddale 28 Feb. 1580-1
Sir Douglas, James, of Drumlangrig, knight 20 Nov. 1581 See also Montgomery, Christiane.
Douglas, James, of Knightsrig, and portioner of Ratho byres 18 May 1588
Douglas, James, in Ormestoun 3 Oct- J 5 84
Douglas, James, in Lintlaws. See Grieve, Margaret.
Douglas, Jane, sometime spouse to Thomas Lindesay, of Logeis, citizen in Dunkeld l6 Oct. 1588
Douglas, Jane, sometime spouse to Andrew Auchinleck, in Pit- dreichie, par. of Glenbervie in the Mearns 14 Apr. 1592
Douglas, John, mason and burgess of Haddington 7 Mar. 1568-9
Douglas, John, in Walestoune 18 Mar. 1573-4
Douglas, John, Archbishop of St. Andrews 14 Feb. 1574-5 J
Douglas, ohn, baxter, burgess of Haddington 19 Dec. 1575
Douglas, John, of Nether- Howdane 30 Jan. 1576-75>
Douglas, John, in Inneresk, sometime servitor to Mr. Alexander Sym, advocate in Edinburgh 6 Jan. 1579-80 See also Skirling, Eufame ; and Thomson, Bessie.
Douglas, John, baillie of Langtoun ; and Katherine Cockburn, his relict10 June 1580
Douglas, John, parochiner of Buttill 29 Dec. 1580
Douglas, John, of Tullequhillie, sher. of Mearns 21 June 1582
Douglas, Mr. John, parson and vicar of Chirnsyde 5 May 1585
Douglas, John, in Glaspen, lordship of Douglas, sher. of Lanark 29 May 1593
Douglas, John, in Keniestoun, par. of Portmook, Fife 4 Mar. 1595-6
Douglas, John, in Blackness 27 Dec. 1597 Mr. Douglas,
Douglas, John, of Arcland. See Stewart, Katherine.
Douglas, John, of Hawthorndane. See Preston, Marion.
Douglas, John, in Newtoun. See Portar,
Douglas, Jonet. John, of Petheid. See Schoriswood, Margaret.
Douglas, Jonet, relict of Adam Alexander, in Clow, sher. of Perth 8 Aug. 1576
Douglas, Jonet, sometime spouse to John Robson, mason in Leith 18 July 1581
Douglas, Jonet, sometime spouse to John M'Clellane, in Almernes in Galloway 25 Mar. 1592
Douglas, Katherine, spous of John Reid, in Gartknowye 21 Dec. 1568
Douglas, Katherine, spouse to Robert Grahame, of Westhall 2 May 1 576
Douglas, Katherine, sometime spouse to Andro Richardson, merchant, burgess of Edinburgh 4 Feb. 1586-7
Douglas, Katherine, sometime spouse to William Gifford, in Linton, sher. of Peebles 20 Dec. 1597
Douglas, Margaret, spous to John Cranston of Moreston 26 Jan. 1564-5
Douglas, Margaret, sometime spouse to James Stevinston, of Hirmenschels 21 Feb. 1575-6
Douglas, Margaret, sometime spouse to umquhile John Stanehous, portioner of Mastertoun in Fife 7 Jan. 1588-9
Douglas, Margaret, spouse to James Aldnistoun, of that Ilk 17 Apr. 1592
Douglas, Margaret, sometime spouse to John Schaw, of Bargarrane, par. of Erskine, sher. of Renfrew II July 1593
Douglas, Margaret, relict of David Melville of Newmylne, par. of Monymaill, Fife 4 Mar. 1595-6
Douglas, Margaret, sometime spouse to Thomas Meggott, in Newbottle 11 Dec. 1596
Douglas, Margaret, relict of Archibald Skeldie, in Gogar, her first spouse, and relict of Nicol Lowrestoun, in Gogar, her last spouse, par. of Ratho, sher. of Edinburgh 7 Mar. 1600
Douglas, Marion, sometime spouse to Thomas Hall, in Preston 15 Jan. 1576-7
Douglas, Marion, sometime spouse to Andro Cunynghame, of Birkschaw 5 July 1581
Douglas, Marion, sometime spouse to George Douglas, burgess of Jedburgh 10 Apr. 1582
Douglas, Marion, spouse to John Dynmure, in Standhill, par. of Bathgate, sher. of Linlithgow 6 Feb. 1 592-3 Douglas, Mathew, in the Kirkland of Kirkcum, sher. of Wigton 24 Mar. 1584-5
Douglas, Patrik, baxter, burgess of Haddington 2 Nov. 1582
Douglas, Patrik, in Hiltoun, par. of Kilpatrik, sher. of Dumbarton , 17 May 1595 See also Gray, Jonet.
Douglas, Captain Peter, captain of one Scottish company in Flanders 19 Feb. 1 582-3
Douglas, Robert, of Cosschogill. See Johnston, Nicolas.
Douglas, Robert, in Drumgarland. See Monypenny, Agnes.
Douglas, Robert, of Stanypeth
Douglas, Robert, in Mekill-Barras, par. of Kynnef in the Mearns
See also Middleton, Helen.
Douglas, Robert, burgess of Dundee
Douglas, Robert, in Inneresk
Douglas, Robert, sometime provost of Corstorphine
Douglas, Robert, in Stanypeth, par. of Quhittinghame
Douglas, Robert, of Anorquhorthe, sher. of Perth
Douglas, Mr. Thomas, Dean of Restalrig
Douglas, Thomas, in Dalmahoy, burgess of Edinburgh
Douglas, Thomas, in Durrisdeir. See Hunter, Jonet.
Douglas, William, son natural to James Earl of Mortoun 25 Nov. 1590
Douglas, William, in Scrogyhil, par. of Durisdeir, sher. of Dumfries 15 Mar. 1598-9
Douglas, William, of the Badds. See Tindell, Agnes.
Douglas, William, of Freirschaw. See Davidson, Eufame.
Douglas, William, in Hawsker. See M'Michell, Jonet.
Douglas, William, in Linton. See Baillie, Elizabeth

1.  Where there is a reference to another person, this is a link contained within the original publication
2.  There is an Obligation dated 12 Nov 1577 by Archibald Douglas of Milltown (Myltoun), constable of Edinburgh Castle, directed to Mr James Wilkie, Principal of St Leonard's College [Fife] and the other masters, promising yearly payment of £18 16s 8d Scots in feu-duty, noting that the College should formally and legally warn him for the dues.

See also:
•  Registers of Lanark

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