Grand Masters of the Grand Lodge of Scotland
The Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland
was founded in 1736 although only a third of all lodges were
represented at the foundation meeting of the Grand Lodge.
Scottish Freemasonry has a distinct and unique character. The
connection between the craft of stone masonry and modern Freemasonry
can be readily established in Scotland. This direct connection can
be traced from the oldest Masonic written records in the world and
which are the property of the Grand Lodge.
Lodges under the
Scottish Constitution are thus sovereign bodies in their own right,
with a considerable degree of control of their own affairs. Many
Lodges pre-existed Grand Lodge, all jealously guarding their
traditions, and were permitted to retain their own procedures,
regalia, and distinctive rituals.
Having established the
principle of independence to the old Lodges, it was impossible to
deny Lodges founded after 1736 the same level of privilege. Of
course the rituals contain the principal points of each degree, but
the scope for elaboration is considerable, with numerous interesting
additions. Since Scottish Lodges have the right to choose the
colours of the Lodge regalia, meetings are very colourful
especially if visitors from other Lodges are present.
Grand Lodge of Scotland has 32 Provincial Grand Lodges in Scotland
itself, and 25 District Grand Lodges overseas.
The following were Grand Masters:
- 17391740: James Douglas, 14th Earl of Morton KT FRS (1702
12 October 1768)
- 17551757: Sholto Charles Douglas, 15th Earl of Morton
(G.M. of England; 1757-61) (c. 173225 September 1774)
- 17861788: Francis Douglas, Lord Elcho (after, Lord Elcho (afterwards 8th Earl
of Wemyss) 25 April 187014 November 1929
- 17901792: George Douglas, 16th Earl of Morton, KT (3 April
1761 17 July 1827)
- 18331835: William Douglas, Marquess of Douglas, Marquess of Douglas
(afterwards 11th Duke of Hamilton) 19 February 1811 Paris, 8
July 1863
- 19261929:
Archibald Douglas, 4th Baron Blythswood, 4th Baron Blythswood
(25 April 187014 November 1929)
Prominent Masons include:
Window in Lerwick 15th Earl of Morton |
See also:
Kinghts Templar