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St Mary's, Dalmahoy





St Mary's Dalmahoy is a beautiful little church standing close to the entrance to the grounds of Dalmahoy House, now the Dalmahoy Hotel & Country Club.

St Mary’s is part of the Scottish Episcopal Church within the Diocese of Edinburgh and is situated a few miles outside the city (on the A71) in the grounds of the Dalmahoy Marriott Hotel. The church has a lively and friendly congregation.

St Mary's Dalmahoy was established by the then residents of Dalmahoy House, Lord and Lady Aberdour, in 1850. Land was granted by Lord Aberdour's father, George Sholto Douglas, the 17th Earl of Morton, for a church and a burial ground, as well as for a rectory, a schoolroom, a schoolmaster's house and a choir house. The church was designed by the architect John Henderson, and consecrated at a service led by the Bishop of Edinburgh on 24 September 1850. Although standing on the private Dalmahoy Estate, the church was, from the beginning, intended to be part of the wider Episcopal Church in Scotland and used for public worship. In contrast, the burial ground, initially at least, was for family use only.

To understand why the Douglas family built St Mary's you need look no further than an account of the (Church of Scotland) Ratho Parish written in 1845. This noted that 17 Episcopalians lived in the parish, most of whom were members of the family of the Earl of Morton. Two of the Earl's five sons entered the Anglican priesthood, one of whom became the Bishop of Aberdeen and Orkney in 1883. St Mary's was therefore built to allow the Douglas family, and other Episcopalians in the area, to worship according to their conscience.


John Douglas, 21st Earl of Morton, who died on 5 March, 2016, was Patron of St Mary's.  He was buried here on 14th March 2016.



St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Window

Commemorating the life of Admiral George Henry Douglas

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Window

Commemorating the life of Admiral George Henry Douglas

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Window

Commemorating the life of Admiral George Henry Douglas

Description of window inscriptions

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Window in the church

Commemorating the short life of Alice Frances the child of George and Charlotte Douglas. Born 15 Oct 1851, Died 20 Jul 1852

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Window

Commemorating the short life of Alice Frances the child of George and Charlotte Douglas. Born 15 Oct 1851, Died 20 Jul 1852

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Unidentified stone

Possibly used as a gate post

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Alice, Countess of Morton

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Alice, Countess of Morton

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Sholto, Lord Aberdour

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Sholto, Lord Aberdour

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Hon Ronald Douglas

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Hon Ronald Douglas

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Hon William Douglas

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Hon William Douglas

St Mary's, Dalmahoy

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Margaret St Bride Douglas

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Margaret St Bride Douglas

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Anna Maria Harriet Douglas

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Anna Maria Harriet Douglas

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Bishop Arthur Douglas

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Archie Sholto Douglas

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Bishop Arthur Douglas and his son Archie Sholto Douglas

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Earl George and Countess Frances of Morton

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Earl George and Countess Frances of Morton

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Earl George and Countess Frances of Morton

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Earl George and Countess Frances of Morton

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Sholto John, Earl of Morton

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Sholto John, Earl of Morton

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Arthur Douglas and Penelope Mary Tree

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Arthur Douglas and Penelope Mary Tree

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard


St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Alice, daughter of Lady Aberdour

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Alice, daughter of Lady Aberdour

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Alice, daughter of Lady Aberdour

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Alice, daughter of Lady Aberdour

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Alice, daughter of Lady Aberdour

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Sholto James Douglas

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Sholto James Douglas and his wife, Grace

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Sholto James Douglas and his wife, Grace

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Archibald W. Douglas

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Ursula Helen nee Davies, dau of Capt. Robert Watts Davies, R.N., of Bloxham, Oxfordshire.

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Archibald W. Douglas

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Archibald W. Douglas and his wife Helen

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Margaret St Bride Douglas

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Margaret St Bride Douglas

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard


St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Admiral George Henry Douglas

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

"Suffer little children... etc"

Alice Frances Douglas

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

"Suffer little children... etc"

Alice Frances Douglas

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Alice Frances, the child of George and Charlotte Douglas - there is a commemorative window in the church

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Archibald George Shoto Douglas and Violet, his wife

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Archibald George Shoto Douglas and Violet, his wife

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

George Sholto Douglas

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

George Sholto Douglas

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Lady Laura Mary Wentworth-Fitzwilliam, wife of Capt George Sholto Douglas, JP

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Lady Laura Mary Wentworth-Fitzwilliam, wife of Capt George Sholto Douglas, JP

St Mary's, Dalmahoy - Graveyard

Lady Laura Mary Wentworth-Fitzwilliam, wife of Capt George Sholto Douglas, JP

St Mary's, Dalmahoy

View from the south west

St Mary's, Dalmahoy

View from the south west

St Mary's, Dalmahoy


St Mary's, Dalmahoy

View from the south east





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Last modified: Friday, 17 May 2024