Carlo Centurione Scotto

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Carlo Centurione Scotto (Genoa , 19 October 1877 - Alassio , 26 March 1958) was an Italian lawyer and politician .

Member of the Kingdom of Italy for eleven years, his life was marked by the premature death of his son Vittorio in a plane crash: this tragedy led him to become interested in spiritualism and to organize numerous spirit sessions in his castle in Millesimo (province of Savona) in an attempt to get in touch with the child's soul. The reports of those meetings, and in particular an alleged teleportation case, became widely known and discussed internationally, even with bitter controversy leading to the sensational resignation in protest of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle from the London Society for Psychic Research .

Belonging to a house that had given six Doges to the Republic of Genoa and who, it seems he also had Christopher Columbus among his employees, he was a lover of every art form and a great horse enthusiast. He married the Marquise Maria Luisa Cattaneo of Belforte (1881–1939), from whom he had the sons Vittorio, airplane pilot, and Giacomo (called Mino, 1906–1997).

At the beginning of the twentieth century it purchased the former monastery of Santo Stefano in Millesimo (province of Savona), which was restored by the Florentine architects Gino Coppedè and Adolfo Coppedè who transformed it into a neo-Gothic-Renaissance eclectic castle.

He was elected to the Chamber of Deputies in 1909 in the Cairo Montenotte constituency and reconfirmed in 1913. In the same year he was denounced for defamation in the press against the Hon. Bovetti. On November 18, 1918, on the occasion of the reopening of parliamentary works after the victory of the First World War, he publicly accused Giovanni Giolitti of treason to his country, having personally witnessed, disguised as a hotel porter, an alleged secret meeting between the Italian statesman, some MPs and the former French Prime Minister Joseph Caillaux who took place in Bardonecchia on August 12, 1917 to organize a revolution in Turin . This scandal led to the opening of an investigation by the Military Tribal of Genoa and a parliamentary commission specially constituted and chaired by Francesco Pistoja to ascertain - in Giolitti's words - whether there was "a traitor in the Chamber or a slanderer", but the examination of the documents produced did not provide any basis for the accusations of treason, so much so that in the end several voices asked for the permanent removal of the honorable Centurione Scotto, now isolated from his own party companions, from the Chamber of Deputies.

In 1919 he was among the legionaries who occupied Fiume led by Gabriele D'Annunzio.

Following the tragic death of his son Vittorio Centurione Scotto , who crashed with a seaplane in Lake Varese on September 21, 1926 during training for the Schneider Cup , Carlo and his wife never wanted to resign themselves and tried to contact the son's soul through sessions spiritiche in their "castle of Millesimo".

In these years of despair, several debts were contracted, which brought the family to ruin. The castle and land of Ronchi di Osiglia were foreclosed, auctioned and sold for little money. His wife Luisa instead died of a broken heart at the age of 53 in 1939 in Rome, after Vittorio Emanuele II had refused to grant her an additional loan. Now forced to misery, Carlo Centurione Scotto remarried with a seamstress, who looked after him until his death in 1958, while his son Giacomo became manager of Montedison and always lived in the shadow of his brother's memory, dying in 1997 in Genoa.

•  The above was translated from Italian.  Help to improve it would be welcomed.
•  Scotto is descended from the Douglas-Scotti family

See also:
•  The Douglas family in Italy portal



Sources for this article include:
  • Simona Bellone, A great love with wings - Vittorio Centurione Scotto -capitano Regia Aeronautica- The forgotten hero

  • Any contributions will be gratefully accepted


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