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Ships and Shipping












Douglas - ship   This ship, the S.S. (RMS) Douglas, was in service with the Isle of Man Steam Packet Company.
Bryce Douglas   Resolute in the doldrums on the Equator, Dec., 1852.
Hannibal's yacht   Guests on board Italian Count Hannibal Scotti's yacht, 'Scotland Cay', Monte Carlo harbour, Monaco, August 1981.
29-08-1777: Sloop Douglas Captured by American Privateer
Advice is received of the sloop Douglas of this port being taken on the 13th August in Lat. 48.7 N. Long. 9.25 W. by the Oliver Cromwell privateer of Salem.
The privateer plundered him of his money sails and rigging and afterwards gave the sloop to the captain on condition that he would land 16 prisoners in some English or Irish port.





Ships named Douglas   Douglas ship owners

Douglas - The Death Ship


The Douglas ca 1873-1886


The Douglas, iron single screw steamer


The good ship Percy Douglas


PS Douglas, 1864


The wreck of the SS Douglas, 1888


The wreck of the SS Douglas (1889), 1923


SS Douglas, sunk by a U-boat


SS Douglas, tug


S.S. (RMS) Douglas, 1889, Isle of Man Steam Packet Company


The wreck of the Jane Douglas, 1901


Douglas Steamship Company, Ltd., Hong Kong, 1883-1976


HMS Douglas, 1917-1945


The sinking of the Florence M. Douglas, 1927-1942


King Douglas, oil/chemical tanker


The Black Douglas motor yacht


The Black Douglas schooner


The Black Douglas - Fish and Wildlife Service Ship


MV Cape Douglas (2)


Swedish steamer Douglas


Baron Douglas (3)


PS Douglas, later USS Gettysburg


Canal barge Edwin T. Douglas


Rachel Douglas, fishing vessel


South African Douglas Bay


The Douglas Castle, 1868


The Douglas Pennant - 1861 schooner


Training ship Royann Douglas


The John Douglas, 1911


SS Jane Douglas towing "Eunice" across the bar at Hokitika, NZ


The sinking of the Sarah Jane, 1918


The wreck of the George H. Douglas


The Empire Douglas


Marion G. Douglas


The Maria Douglas


Barque 'Douglas'; Captain Carrie, off Hunter's Island, Tasmania, 11 Mar 1865


Sir James Douglas, lighthouse tender, and other roles


Sir James Douglas, Canadian buoy laying vessel


Snow Douglas from Greenock Scotland to Boston Massachusetts July 1764


William Douglas 1263 tons, built 1875


Sarah E. Douglas, Schooner


Massacre on board the Douglas, Schooner


Betsey Douglas 1870, Schooner Of 24 tons built at Dunedin in 1862. Foundered about a mile offshore after leaving Charleston on 27th December 1870 after striking a rock.


Helen Douglas, formerly the Cambridge


Brig 'Douglas', Captain Reed of San Francisco was owner and master c1892


George Douglas, lost off Bermuda


Caprice, sty., 20 g. t., formerly Henry Douglas, b. '85, New York, passed out, '96.


Otis W. Douglas, 295 tons, built in 1912 in Wilmington, Delaware, owned by Douglas & Co. Home port Reedsville, Virginia


Rebecca H. Douglass, 475 tons, built in 1894 in Bath (USA), owned by Allan Douglass. Home port Philadelphia.


Steamer ‘Earl of Douglas’ for Marshall & W L Dobbie, Glasgow 1905


Port Douglas - steel sailing ship, 1889; Russell & Co., Port Glasgow


‘Sir Neil Douglas’ - iron clipper ship - John Reid & Co; 1856; Scott & Co., Greenock


The Oliver Douglas was Hydraulic dredger on a floating barge that pumped bay-bottom sediments in a liquid solution onto the emerging upland site of Marco Island, Florida in the 1960s.


The following were vessels on the great Lakes:

Douglas, Edwin. T., stcb., 137 g. t., b. '95, Buffalo, in com.

• Douglas, George, Can. prop., 42 g. t., b. '80, Thorold, in com.

• Douglas, Sir James, Can. prop., 163 g. t., b. '84, Victoria, in com.

• Douglass, Henry, sty., 20 g. t., b. '85, New York, later the Caprice.

• Douglass, prop., 278 g. t., b. '82, Saugatuck, in com.

• Douglass, tug, 97 g. t., b. '88, Toledo, in com.

• Douglass, E., stmr., 107 g. t., b. '96, in com.

• Douglass, Stephen A., schr., 360 t., b. Sacket's Harbor, '59, lost L. Mich., '62.


  Blanche Douglas Leathersa>, of the Natchez

Henry Douglas, of Kilcoo, Co. Down, with John McIlroy, owner of sloop' Industry' ; signed a petition re Newcastle harbour in 1848

Captain Robert Stuart Douglas, son of James Henderson Douglas, of the Quaker Oats family, owns Coastwise Packet Co. He has the longest standing schooner/captain relationship in the windjammer business. 

Sir Joseph Abraham Douglas, born 1797


Robert Douglas, of Ardrossan


Sholto Douglas, 19th Earl of Morton


Hon. William Sholto Douglas

William Proctor Douglas, owner of the Americas Cup contender, Sappho


Hugh Douglas - Douglas & Ramsay


Abel Douglass - Dawson and Douglass Whaling Company


See also: Slave ship owners

Contributions to this list would be welcome.
Bryce DouglasArchibald Bryce-Douglas - Marine Engineer and Shipbuilder - donated the ship, called the Bryce-Douglas, on the steeple of Barony Saint John's Church in Ardrossan.   •  Adam Landell(s) (b. 1813, Alnwick. d. 1883 in NZ) and Margaret Douglas (b., Alnwick(?)). Apparently they married in 1832 (supposedly Gretna Green).

•  Margaret died at sea in 1849 on the Ship Douglas. They had 8 children. Adam remarried in 1850 to Elizabeth Dibbs in Adelaide, Australia. Adam may have been a gardener at Alnwick Castle.

Which Douglas ship was this?

•  Peter Larsen migrated from Denmark in 1865 on the ship "Douglas".  Which Douglas ship was this?

•  DOUGLAS, Isabella Robinson - Died 15/3/1853 - At 5 Greenwood Terrace, Liverpool, on the 15th instant, after a long illness borne with Christian patience, Isabella Robinson, youngest daughter of Mr James Douglas, shipbuilder, Stranraer.

•  On July 27, 1635, Ellis Harmon, aged eighteen, was transported from London to Virginia in the “Primrose”, Captain Douglass, master.

•  The Steamship ALBION, Captain WILLIAM DOUGLAS, _ IS intended to sail with Goods and Passengers. FROM LIVERPOOL TO STRAN BAER. May 1858.

•  "The Douglas - (S.S. Sir James Douglas, steam vessel of the Colonial Government) - reports the waters near Deep Bay at the entrance to Baynes Sound alive with Humpbacks being seen both going up and coming down. 13 July 1868

•  In 1868, however, it was reported that Dawson, in company with a group of San Francisco men (including Captain Abel Douglas), purchascd the former sealing schooner Karc and outfitted her for whaling.  In 1869, Dawson and Company became Dawson and Douglas Company. They moved their shore works to Cortez Island, at a site known today as Whaletorvn Bay

•  November 2, 1827 —The brig Larch, Captain Robert Douglas, built by his Grace (Duke of Atholl) in Perth in 1818, went on shore on the island of Tendra, in the Black Sea, and had to be abandoned.
The Larch was afterwards sold by the owners, and after being two years on shore was got afloat at considerable cost, and taken to Odessa, but in so shattered a condition that it is doubtful if she was ever again fit for sea.

Around 80 ships named Douglas are listed in The Ship Index.



See also:

  • Ship Registration Index in the Library and Archives of Canada
  • Douglas Sea Scale
  • Douglas Steamship Company, Hong Kong
  • Douglas navigation protractor
  • Douglas-Appleyard Arcless Sextant
  • The Wreck of the Sea Horse
  • Ships' captains
  • The Crown
  • Henry & Francis
  • Ship wrecks
  • William Douglas' ship's flag
  • SY John Fell
  • SY Romola
  • Slave ship owners and captains





















    I am grateful to Sally Douglas for her assistance with this section of the Douglas Archives.  


    Any further contributions will be gratefully accepted



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    Last modified: Friday, 17 May 2024