Stan Douglas


Stan Douglas was born in 1960 in Vancouver where he still lives. He attended the Emily Carr College of Art, Vancouver, 1982. He has exhibited widely in Canada, the USA, Europe, Japan, Korea, Australia, South Africa and, most recently, Venezuela. 


In 1994 the Centre Georges Pompidou mounted a major survey of his work which then travelled to Madrid, Zurich and Rotterdam. He has participated in many group exhibitions including Hall of Mirrors : Art and Film since 1945, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles in 1996, and in Documenta X, Sculpture. Projects in Münster, the Lyon Biennale and the Johannesburg Biennale in 1997. 


In 1988 Douglas curated an exhibition and edited a publication of Samuel Beckett: Teleplays. Among his projects for 1998 is a solo show at the DIA Center for the Visual Arts, New York.



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