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Douglas of Kilspindie


Bell the Cat kills Spens of Kilspindie5th Earl of Angus, in a feud with Spens of Kilspindie, tore off Spen's leg with one stroke of his great sword. This appears to be how the lands of Kilspindie passed to the Douglases. Also later Douglas of Kilspindie used the title 'Greysteel' which may refer to the sword stroke used to obtain the lands of Kilspindie.  Reconstruction by Andrew Spratt  

Sir George of Kilspindie, brother of Archibald Douglas, 6th Earl of Angus

Sir Archibald Douglas of Kilspindie, b. c.1490, d. before 1540. 4th son of the 5th earl, nephew of the 6th earl, High Treasurer of Scotland, known as Greysteel.   It is usually said that his mother was Katherine Stirling, but he was more probably the son of Elizabeth Boyd.  Provost of Edinburgh (1515 and 1526).  He married in 1515 'a rich widow in Edinburgh', probably Isobel Hoppar.  She survived her husband.  It was probably his daughter who married Alexander, Master of Crawford.  They had a son, Archibald, who succeeded when the forfeiture was recalled in 1543.

Archibald, 2nd of Kilspindie was also Provost of Edinburgh 1553-1557 and 1559-1569.

Archibald Douglas of Kilspindle (probably 3rd of Kilspindie) was succeeded in the lands of Cramond by his son Patrick, who in turn alienated them to Alexander Douglas (probably not a son), a macer in Edinburgh in 1600. This Patrick also had a son, Patrick

Kilspindie and the Douglas family were condemned for treason and their lands forfeited at the September 1528 Parliament of Scotland. The King gave Kilspindie's tenement in Edinburgh to the new Treasurer, Robert Cairncross. Lands in Cunninghame went to Robert, Lord Maxwell, and Reidside near Tantallon Castle was given to Hugh Johnson, the King's cook.

Archibald, 2nd of Kilspindie, son of the above, succeeded to Kilspindie in 1543, upon the lifting of the sentence of forfeiture.

Greysteel has an illegitimate son, Bishop Alexander, half brother of  the 2nd of Kilspindie.

Patrick Douglas of Kilspindie added to (some say built) Kilspindie Castle in the early 1600s, but on his death, the castle passed, through his widow, Agnes Gray, to her new husband, Alexander Hay.  This Patrick had two sons, Patrick and Alexander, and a brother, James.


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Last modified: Friday, 17 May 2024