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- "Citation: The Indiana GenWeb Project, Copyright ?1997-2008,Montgomery County Website
Montgomery County, Indiana USGenWeb Project
Cornelius L. Canine (grandson)
"...Ralph Canine was b. in Pa. and was a son of Peter Canine and wife.Peter Canine was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. The familyoriginally came form Holland. Peter Canine had 6 sons, 3 of whomsettled in Montgomery Co, one in Howard, one in Johnson Co, and one inOhio. Ralph Canine entered government land near Waveland for himselfand also for his sons, Peter, William; John and James - 320 forhimself and probably 160 acres of each son. Afterwards he bought otherland in that vicinity. The Union Primitive Baptist Church wasorganized in his home with 8 constituent members of the fourth Sun. inOct 1826. Ever since its organization that Church has had its regularmonthly covenant meeting on the Sat. before the fourth Sun. of themonth. Ralph Canine was one of the first deacons in the Church. He wasa grand character and did much good among the first settlers. Hereached the advanced age of 92 years. Politically, he was aDemocrat....ETC." [Transcribed 11 June 2008, SLJuhl, Compiler]
"Citation: The Indiana GenWeb Project, Copyright ?1997-2007,Montgomery County Website
Montgomery County, Indiana USGenWeb Project
Ralph CANINE was born in Pa Dec 3, 1789 and moved to Mercer Co, KYwith his parents, 1794. Married Margaret WARMON 1808. Children: Peter,deceased; John, deceased; Richard, deceased; William; Martha Ann (Mrs.Jackson CLARK), deceased; James W, deceased; Tyna J. (Mrs. HARPER),deceased; Catherine E (Mrs. W. CLORE), deceased; Cornelius L;Margaret, deceased and JJ. Mr. Canine settled on Sec. 24 of thistownship, Jan 19, 1826. Mrs. Margaret Canine died Nov 3, 1863. Mr.Canine became a member of the Church at the age of 27; was ordained adeacon in Ky and in 1826 when Union Baptist (Old School) Church wasorganized at his residence in this County, he was appointed Deaconwhich office he still holds. His second marr. took place July 23, 1867to Elizabeth Ann VANCLEVE and at present resides with his son, JJCanine." [Transcribed 10 June 2008, SLJuhl, Compiler]
"Crawfordsville Daily Journal 8-6-1908
At the Canine family reunion to be held at Union church near Waveland,honor will be paid to Ralph Canine, the ancestor of most of the Caninefamilies now living in the county. He was the father of 11 children,all of whom are dead now except JJ Canine, aged 75 who lives on theold home place, where his father settled on January 18, 1826 and apart of which was dedicated to Union church, the oldest church of theold school Baptist denomination in the county. Ralph Canine was bornin Pennsylvania, Dec 3, 1789, and moved to Mercer County, Kentuckywith his parents in 1794. He married Margaret Warmon in 1808 andafter her death Nov 3, 1863, was married a second time on July 23 toEliza Ann VanCleave. At the age of 27, Ralph Canine joined the oldschool Baptist Church and in 1827 was ordained a deacon in Kentuckywhen he moved to Indian he was the prime mover in the organization ofthe church and in fact the organization was effected in his home.Later when a church edifice was erected it was built on a part of hisfarm. He was elected a deacon for life. He was a typical pioneer oneof that sturdy type that has done so much to make Montgomery County inthis day a progressive and intelligent community. The reunion nextWednesday will be a notable event and not only the descendants ofRalph Canine will be made welcome but all other members of the Caninetribe and all friends of the family." USGenWeb Project forMontgomery County, Indiana, Karen Zach.
Last Modified on ? Saturday, 12-Apr-2008 16:15:42 MDT Karen Zach
HTML By: Blacksheep Genealogy" [Transcribed 10 June 2008, SLJuhl,Compiler]
"Citation: The Indiana GenWeb Project, Copyright ?1997-2008,Montgomery County Website
Montgomery County, Indiana USGenWeb Project
Brown Township Original Land Owners
Montgomery County, Indiana
The original documents would be found in the Recorder's Office,Montgomery County Courthouse. If there is a book and page numberavailable, then you're lucky and the original land grant could beeasily obtained but if not, try the Bureau Of Land Management/GeneralLand Office website. Hope this helps someone out there. Karen Zach
Name Section Acres Date Book Page
CANINE, Ralph 18 79 4-19-1828 117 525
CANINE, Ralph 19 79 11-2-1827 124 610
CANINE, Ralph 19 79 11-28-1825 139 590
CANINE, Ralph 28 80 11-28-1825 127 254" [Transcribed 10 June 2008,SLJuhl, Compiler]