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- "Archie MacMillan, son of John MacMillan, married a daughter of EwenMacMillan and settled on Let 20, Con 2. It was later discovered that thelot belonged to the Clergy Reserve, so he could not receive a deed forthe property. He traded this lot with Laughlin MacInnis for the east halfof Lot 36, Con 4, Township of Roxborough. He sold the Roxborough lot toHughie (The Crank) MacMillan and bought Lot 13, Con 7 in Finch Township.About 1839 he traded this lot for the east half of Lot 20, Con 3. AdamCockburn was apparently the "realtor" in the deal. He apparently got theeast half of Lot 20. Con 3 from the Camerons. Uncle Hughie bought thewest half of Lot 20, Con 3 in 1845 for tax areas. Archie MacMillan diedin 1848"
From Finch Booklet by A Empey 2001 (page 12) (Sent by Margaret Cameron)
From Margaret Cameron, Long Sault, Ontario
My gtgtgt John of Callich had a son,
Archibald MacMillan(my gtgt) who settled on Lot 20, Conc. 3, FinchTownship c 1839. He was married to Marjory MacMillan, daughter of EwenMacMillan, son of Allan MacMillan of Glenpean. Their daughter, Margaret(my gt), married Duncan Cameron (b. 1808-1809) first white male born inFinch Township. (Lot 21-4 Finch - Cameron School - built on farm).
My gt grandmother, Margaret MacMillan (b. c 1820) and her siblings,Johnny Archie (b. 1825 from whom Lyn descends); Hughie Archie; Jane (whomarried her cousin William MacMillan then settling near Owen Sound,Ontario); and Sarah, were the children of Archibald MacMillan (whosettled on Lot 20-3 Finch c 1839), son of John MacMillan of Callich (whofirst settled on Lot 22, Conc. 1 Finch Township) (John MacMillan ofCallich(my gtgtgt), his brother Alexander (Lot 16-2 Finch from whomCassie descends) and their cousin, Angus (1766-1841 - tombstone) mygtgtgt, are listed under the 'Callich' segment of "Byegone Lochaber".Archibald MacMillan(Callich), my gtgt, was married to Marjory MacMillan,daughter of Ewen MacMillan, son of Allan MacMillan of Glenpean.
My Callich MacMillans are a younger branch of the Glenpean family(Glenpean and Callich are sites at Loch Arkaig near Fort William inScotland.), and John, my gtgtgt, Alexander, and Angus, my gtgtgt, alldescend from William 4th of Murlaggan a Lochaber MacMillan Chief.(c1598). Lyn McCormack also descends from a sister of Mary(my gtgt)MacMillan...named Kathleen, both being daughters of Angus ofCallich(1766-1841). "
See also in this file:
In Notes under the name (Stormont Co Ontario Early History A) Finch
the "EARLY HISTORY OF FINCH VILLAGE AND TOWNSHIP IS RECALLED" By MrsGladstone Maclean. From "Cornwall Freeholder" 1951
In Notes under the name (Stormont Co Ontario Early History B) Finch
Interesting Paper Read at District Annual of Women's Institute at MooseCreek. from the Cornwall Freeholder, July 1951
In Notes under the name Hector (of Donalda) Maclean (1824 -1898)
Under date of March 10, 1896. Describing the journey on the "Catherineof Belfast "and "THE JOHN ROBERTSON" of Belfast and their arrival inFinch.