Douglas DNA Test Results - to January 2008


My thanks to Beryl Turner for this contribution...


We have again made significant progress with our project since the last update.


Drumlanrig/Queensberry/Douglas of Morton lines defined.

We have established the genetic characteristics of the Drumlanrig/Queensberry/Douglas of Morton (not the Earls of Morton) line back to the 1478! This is a remarkable feat and means that in three families there has been no non-paternal event (illegitimacy, adoption) for 15-18 generations each! It also means that anyone believing they are from this line can now test this out with a high degree of confidence by yDNA testing. This group is R1a Haplogroup, and all direct male line descendants of William 6th Baron of Drumlanrig must be of this Haplogroup.


Earls of Morton 

We have proven the Earls of Morton line to 1756, with distant cousins matching.  All descendants of John, son of James Douglas 16th Earl of Morton must be R1b1 haplogroup.


There is another descendant of the Earls of Morton, the Swedish branch which has one representative. This line is I1a haplogroup, and other I1a members could be related to the Swedish line, or to the Earls of Morton prior to James the 14th or 16th Earl. At this stage we are unable to say whether the Earls of Morton prior to James the 16th Earl were haplogroup R1b1 or I1a. More information about the lineage of the other I1a members might throw some light on this.


We would like to have further testing for this very important line. We need participants whose line has diverged from the Earls of Morton prior to 1756 and since John of Dalkeith 1330. ie descended from the early Earls of Morton or the Douglases of Lochleven or Dalkeith. The further back your line diverges from the Earls of Morton line the more valuable you are to the project at this stage.


Domini Douglas.

Domini has emerged as a distinct yDNA line in the Douglas family. Domini was thought to be an illegitimate son of George (13th or 15th Earl of Morton), and half brother of James (14th or 16th Earl). However his DNA type does NOT match James’s son John. This has been proven by testing two men who are descended from John (5th cousins once removed), and finding that they match. This proves John’s genetic type. Similarly 2 descendants of Domini have proven his haplogroup.


So we can say with confidence now that either Domini or James or John is not descended genetically from George. And since Domini’s genetic type is distinctively Irish (and his mother was Irish) it is likely that Domini has an Irish male ancestor, possibly his father.


This issue will be finally decided when we have an earlier Earls-of Morton descendant to test.


Niall of Nine Hostages

The Domini line is descended from Niall of Nine Hostages (a very prolific Irish ancient line) but there are also others in the group who are descended from Niall but not through Domini. Some of these will be Irish lines of the Douglas family, but some of the sons of Niall are known to have visited Scotland and may have left behind Douglas descendants. Niall’s DNA signature is well defined and new participants with Irish heritage may well find they belong to this group.


Angus or Red Douglases

The haplogroup of our only known Angus descendant is also R1b, and is also a Niall of nine Hostages descendant. We will need a second family from this line to test as well, to examine how long this halpogroup has been in the Angus line.


Daglish (Dagliesh, Dalgliesh)

A number of our members have strong matches with members of the Daglish family. It is known that in some cases names have changed from Dagliesh (or variant) to Douglas and possibly also vise-versa at some stage. Some of these connections are being actively researched as a result of these matches. These participants are R1b1 haplogroup.



We have one participant who traces his family to this line. He is haplogroup R1b.



We have a representative of this family who promised his DNA for testing, although he has not yet submitted his sample. His family is descended from Sholto Douglas who was in Scotland in the AD900s and whose descendants went to Italy. His result could tell us whether Sholto was related to Willem. This will also give us another Old line to compare ourselves with.


Modern families

Within the modern families who are not connected (yet) to the old lines we have had a number of matches. These families are busily looking for the common ancestor. Some of these matches were completely unexpected. Some families have proven suspected relationships and other relationships have been disproved. Some have found new cousins. One Douglas adoptee has found some cousins.


Call for Members:

We still need more men who can trace their lineage back to the Old lines.


If you are a known descendant of Willem De Duglis (1174) please consider joining our project. You will be helping lost Douglases- families who have lost their connection to the Douglas tree, to focus their research into the major lines of the family. If you represent a family line that we need for the project we might offer to pay for your test. We would likely pay for tests for proven Angus descendants or Earls of Morton descendants who are not descended from John son of James 14th or 16th Earl.


European lines of the Douglas family who have been separated from their Scottish ancestors for hundreds of years could be strategically very important for our project at this stage. These lines can give us information about the earliest Douglases when they are compared with the documented lines we have already established. We would be interested in making contact with further examples of European Douglas lines.


If you are one of the “lost” families, which cannot find their ancestor’s connection into the Douglas family, then we can now tell you with confidence whether you are from some of the lines mentioned above. If you are lucky you might immediately find your line. Otherwise a match will eventually come along, giving you a clue as to which family line you come from. You will certainly find a number of lines immediately that you can exclude from your research.


 The project web site (for information or to participate) is found at

If you would like to join the project discussion group go to

 A repository of files associated with the project is to be found here>>>

To talk to a project administrator (volunteer) or to apply for our free DNA test offer, message to:

  bturner @ (no gaps)






This page was last updated on 12 October 2021

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Last modified: Monday, 11 October 2021