Index to Volunteer Soldiers in Indian Wars and Disturbances, 1815-1858


Transcribed by Virgil D. White
National Historical Publishing Company, © 1994

Page 384

DOUGLAS Alexander, Pvt, srv in Robert's Co. of Dancy's 2nd FL Mtd Mil in the FL War
DOUGLAS Allen, Pvt, srv in Law's Co of the 13th Regt in the 1st Brig of FL Mtd Mil in the FL War
DOUGLAS Benjamin, Pvt, srv in Wiggins' Co of the 13th Regt in the 1st Brig of FL Mtd Mil in the FL War
DOUGLAS Benjamin (MD), Asst Surgeon srv in Robert's Co. of Robertson’s Co of GA Mtd Mil in the FL War
DOUGLAS Cyrus, srv in Capt Payne's Co of Buckmaster’s Bttn of IL Mtd Vols in the Black Hawk War
DOUGLAS David, Pvt, srv in Robert's Co. of GA Mtd Mil in FL War
DOUGLAS D. C., Pvt, srv in Capt Ledbetter's Co of Wellborn’s Regt of AL Mtd Vols in the Creek War of 1837 for 3 mths
DOUGLAS James Pvt, srv in Stewart's Co of FL Mtd Mil in FL War
DOUGLAS James Cpl srv in Cason's Co of Warren’s 1st FL Mtd Mil in the FL War of 1836-7
DOUGLAS James Pvt, srv in McCleellan's Co of Dancy's 2nd FL Mtd Mil in the FL War
DOUGLAS James Jr. Pvt, srv in Cason's Co of Warren’s 1st FL Mil in the FL War of 1837
DOUGLAS James Pvt, srv in McCleellan's Co of Dancy's 2nd FL Mtd Mil in the FL War
DOUGLAS James Pvt, srv in Niblack's Co of Warren's 1st Mil in the FL War of 1837
DOUGLAS John Pvt, srv in Flewellen's Co of Beall’s 1st GA Mtd Vols in the Creek War
DOUGLAS John B., An Ensign srv Dubose's Co of Dubose’s Co of Goodwyn’s SC Mtd Mil in the FL War
DOUGLAS John C., Pvt, srv in Fletcher's Co of 1st TN Mtd Mil in the Seminole (FL) War
DOUGLAS John S. , Pvt, srv in Dubose's Co of Goodwyn's SC Mtd Mil in the FL War
DOUGLAS Richerson, Pvt, srv in Sparkman's Co of FL Mtd Mil in FL War
DOUGLAS Richard, Pvt, srv in Cason's Co of Warren's 1st Mil in the FL War of 1836-7
DOUGLAS Richard, Pvt, srv in Hindly's Co of Dancy's 2nd FL Mtd Mil in the FL War
DOUGLAS Richard, Pvt, srv in the 6th Regt of FL Mil in the FL War
DOUGLAS Richardson, Pvt, srv in Cason's Co of Warren's 1st Mil in the FL War of 1837
DOUGLAS Seaborn, Pvt, srv in Ross Coo of Warren's 1st Mil in the FL War of 1837
DOUGLAS Seaborn, Pvt, srv in Law's Co of the 13th Regt in the 1st Brig of FL Mtd Mil in the FL War

Page 385

DOUGLIS, Daniel, Pvt, srv in Sweat's Co of GA Mtd Mil in FL War

DUGLAS, Angus C., Pvt, srv in Long's Co of the 7th FL Mil in the FL War
DUGLAS, Frederick or Frederick Douglass, Pvt, srv in Milton's 1st Regt of GA Mil in the Seminole War of 1817-18

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